AI-First No-Code Workspaces for Makers

bestOf( Notes/Tasks + No-Code + AI/ML + Agents + Web3 ) =

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Book Recommendations
Agent Assignment
Custom App Creation
I am your personal
I'm a general all-purpose AI Agent that can handle almost anything. With me, you can generate text or items quickly and easily. I can help you create content for any purpose, from blog posts to website copy. I can even generate whole lists of items with rounded out fields and content. Just ask me anything!
# ai-assistantAI
New Chat
This is your Inbox.
Collect all tasks you have to do, ideas you have thought of, notes, issues, and everything else that has to be addressed here. Clear your Inbox by assigning items to projects and tasks to Today, a specific date or the folders 📦 Someday or 📚 Anytime.
to create new items...
Tasks | Anything that has to be handled
Title Watch 📖 How to create a new item using AI
Title Watch 📖 How to generate a list of items with AI
Title Watch 📖 How to generate a new document using AI
Title Watch 📖 How to create a new item type with AI
Title Watch 📖 How to add a new custom field using AI
New List
My Workspace
My Workspace
My AI-First Productivity Workspace
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AI-Powered Personalized Item Lists

Manage and generate personalized item lists and content, eg. for pet projects lists, workout plans, reading notes, or any other 🧮 specialized item list, each customized with unique fields, forms and list views.

Smart Rich Notes and Documents

Mange all your data, content and knowledge in your personalized and learning AI-powered 🧠 second brain with structured item lists, tasks, notes, and rich and expressive documents.

AI-Content Creation and Automation

Automatically generate content for websites, books, e-learning courses, blog posts, or any other form of content with your own smart 🤖 AI-assistant and automation platform.
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Interactive Demo
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Live App Demo

AI-Powered Productivity Workspaces

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Rich Tasks, Notes, and Projects

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Dynamic Behavior, Styles, Actions and Workflows

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Application Templates, Themes, and Collaboration

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